Services We Offer
Our primary goal is two-fold:
- Stop the Pain
- Identify the root cause of why you are in pain and show you how to prevent the pain
from returning.
The following are the services we offer:
Clinically and Medically Approved Diagnostic
One of the biggest and most frequent complaints we hear from patients is how they have been rushed and
their doctor has not taken the time to listen to them. You will quickly discover that we take the time to
listen to you. You will be impressed how thorough we are. Remember 90% of making a good diagnosis is a good
Scientifically and Clinical Approved Medical
Our doctors have thousands of hours of training and clinical experience in
differential diagnosis. We use the accepted medically approved orthopedic and neurological testing to determine the
nature of your health problem.
State of the Art Diagnostic Imaging
We use advanced imaging technology including x-rays, MRI, CT, Bone Scans to be certain we have a
full understanding of your problem. Remember, imaging of your spine or any joint is essential to rule out a serious
pathology. What you can't see is pure speculation and we refuse to risk guessing what may be wrong. We take your
health serious.
Clinical Case Review and Plan
After careful review and acceptance of your case, a clinially proven program will be
prescribed, outlining all the necessary tools to help you get out of pain and prevent the pain from
returning. Our goal, once again, is to prescribe a treatment that produces fast pain relief and second, to
identify the underlying root cause of why you developed the pain in the first place.
Manual Therapy Manipulation
Adjustments restore joint mobility and correct postural faults. Joint mobility refers to the normal range of
motion of involuntary movement of a specific joint. Normal and healthy joint mobility allows for muscles to
function optimally. Loss of specific joint movement results in a range of motion being lessened. When this happens
the following commonly will result: muscle soreness, muscle spasm, loss of muscle tone and strength,
impaired circulation, hypersensitive tissue, the formation of trigger points, joint pain and nerve
damage. Adjustments (manipulations) restore normal joint movement. It is important to emphasize that
exercise and stretching alone are extremely limited in normalizing joint mobility.
Postural Restoration
Optimal posture = optimal function = optimal health.
State-of-the-art maneuvers-exercises will be prescribed based on postural needs.
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy (MTPT)
Each muscle, when injured or consistently put through undue stress will develop small localized painful nodules
which can be a source of referred or localized pain and discomfort. TPT will eliminate the above. Trigger points
cause pain more often than any other condition and are drastically under-diagnosed due to lack of information.
Trigger points are specific, hyperirritable and hypersensitive areas in muscle that suffer from decreased
circulation, increased contraction and spasm. Lack of circulation creates a high anomaly of toxins and increased
nerve sensitivity that can range from low ache to sharp pain. Did you know that every muscle in your body has
potential trigger points. When they become active they do cause pain anywhere in your body. Here are some other
common trigger points.
The place where you feel the pain is not where it comes from. The pain actually comes from
the trigger point.
The pictures below show trigger points in the muscle as an X in the muscle. If you were to press this point it
would be tender and you would feel like a thickening under your finger. The red shading is the pain reference zone
which is the part that the pain spreads to and actually where you feel it. Sometimes when you press on the trigger
point you can feel the pain spread out, but often it does not.
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) and
Contract-Relax-Agonist-Contract (CRAC)
We use the most advanced forms of rehabilitation. One of these forms includes PNF and CRAC. Our advanced studies in
sports medicine allow us to provide an effective solution to many common joint and spinal injuries. Tight muscles
with limited movement restrict normal joint motion and can be a detriment toward optimal spinal fitness. PNF-CRAC
naturally and easily stretches muscles in half the time and places less stress on you.
Ergonomics-Work Capacity Assessment Your job may be your
worst enemy. Biomechanical deficient work sites can slow down the recovery process permanently! With the proper
guidelines you can improve the above situation and create an efficient work station sky rocketing you to optimal
spinal fitness.
Spinal Curvature Restoration
The spinal curve provides the body with invaluable leverage and mechanical advantage against the force of gravity.
It has been shown that a spine with curves intact is 16 to 18 times more efficient against gravity than one
that has lost its curves. Dysfunctional spines begin to lose their normal curves quickly in a body's
attempt to adapt to this unbalanced state of affairs. Loss of the spinal curves proportionately increases the every
day stress and sträin in ail the spinal tissues (bones, discs, ligaments, muscles) and increases the spinal column
vulnerability to outside forces (accidents & falls). Restoration and maintenance of the spinal curves directly
affect the spinal stability, thereby enhancing the ability to hold an adjustment. Normal spinal integrity
directly promotes normal metabolic function to all the spinal tissues, ensures healthy muscle strength and tone,
and allows the body maximum opportunity to react quickly and efficiently to protect itself from environmental
forces (accidents, falls, etc.).
Physiological Therapeutics (PT)
We have extensive training and experience in the successful application of physiological therapeutics. PT is used
for two reasons: to decrease inflammation following the acute phase of treatment and to promote structural
rehab. We are equipped with state-of-the-art PT and will prescribe what is necessary for your physical
Cold Laser
Cold laser is considered the new scientific breakthrough in effective pain
Cold Laser Therapy reduces inflammation and increases mobility within the body. Laser Therapy works by
stimulating different types of cells including muscle, ligament, cartilage and nerve cells. A number of conditions
can be treated by cold laser therapy, some conditions that may typically be treated by cold laser therapy include:
Headache/ Migraines, Arthritis Pain, Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Pain, Knee Pain, Neck
AcuGraph Digital Meridian Imaging
AcuGraph 4 is a revolution in modern acupuncture, enhancing the effect of ancient techniques by applying modern
The AcuGraph® Digital Meridian Imaging™ system is a computerized tool used to analyze and document the energetic
status of the acupuncture meridians. Dr. Grisanti and Dr. Sizemore will use the system in a short examination by
touching a moistened probe to acupuncture points on your hands and feet.
Acupuncture meridians are invisible energy pathways in your body that have been used therapeutically for over 5000
years. These meridians conduct life-force energy, or Qi (pronounced-chee) in and around all the parts of your body.
Blockage or interference in these meridian pathways can result in energetic imbalances that may contribute to
negative health conditions. The primary goal of acupuncture treatment is to restore energetic balance and proper
energy flow to these meridians, thus allowing your body to function normally and return to health naturally.
The AcuGraph system allows our doctors to measure and analyze the energy level of each acupuncture meridian. Armed
with this information, Dr. Grisanti and Dr. Sizemore can make better-informed decisions about your condition,
and provide the best treatment possible.
Blood Tests
Dr. Grisanti and Dr. Sizemore are experts in reading and interpreting blood tests. In fact, Dr. Grisanti is the
co-author of a new book scheduled for publication in June 2011. Based on your medical history and the nature
of your health problem it may be neccesary to order blood tests to rule out an underlying health problem that may
be associated with your back pain. Patients with underlying thyroid disease, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid
arthritis and even diabetes all can contribute to muscle/joint pain.
Nutritional Rehabiliation
Dr. Grisanti has his Master's degree in Nutritional Science.
Dr. Grisanti has discovered "the way you eat can make you hurt." Improper nutritional habits will only slow
progress. Depending on the nature of your health challenge, we may investigate your nutritional status
and determine if a biochemical/nutritional examination should be performed. If so, you will be given a personalized
program to help you get well.
Stress Management
Stress can be a never-ending battle. You will be taught specific techniques to reduce your stress (an outside
referral may be necessary).
Transverse Friction Massage (TFM)
Not to be confused with typical massage, TFM has been considered the only successful treatment for athletic
injuries involving mild to moderate ligament-tendon conditions. For example, tennis elbow, patella tendinitis,
shoulder tendinitis, etc.
Realizing the feet are the foundation of your body, improper foot pedal will ultimately lead to disturbed
biomechancial function ABOVE. Your feet will be evaluated for excessive pronation, supination, Morton's toe
syndrome, etc. and specific corrective procedures will be prescribed. The computerized scanner gives us a detailed
image of your foot imprint and arch patterns. If a problem is detected we can send your scan to the company and
they will make you a custom set of orthotics to fix your problem. The Associate Platinum is a digital foot scanner
that helps us evaluate your postural health. After you are scanned, the Associate Platinum creates a digital
image of your feet that shows weight distribution on each foot. This indicates imbalances or weaknesses.
Computerized Digital Foot Scan
The Associate™ Platinum digital scanner is the latest technology in orthotic analysis. This state-of-the-art
technology creates a digital image of the individual's feet that helps Dr. Grisanti and Dr. Sizemore determine
where the imbalances and weaknesses are in the feet that could be the cause of current and future conditions. These
findings are correlated to a physical exam of the feet, postural findings and gait (walking) analysis.
Weight Loss Program
Dr. Grisanti is the co-author of a revolutionary new book called: 2 Days to Fitness. We provide the most
effective and most efficient way to lose weight.